The 6th Act presents the World Premiere of SUKKOT, a new comedy directed by Joel Zwick (My Big Fat Greek Wedding) and written by Matthew Leavitt (The Boomerang Effect). SUKKOT is the hilarious and heartwarming story of the Sullivan family, a half-Jewish-half-Irish-Catholic family attempting to rejoice by celebrating an obscure Jewish holiday that no one has ever heard of. One year after losing his wife to cancer, Patrick Sullivan is still unable to overcome his overwhelming grief, until a rabbi introduces him to the little-known Jewish holiday of Sukkot - the only holiday where God directly commands us to rejoice! Suddenly energized by the holiday, Patrick builds a sukkah (a Jewish hut) in their yard and forces his three grown children to celebrate with him as they gather at the family house to attend their mother’s unveiling ceremony. Starring Natalie Lander, Andy Robinson, Liza Seneca and Jonathan Slavin.
January 14th, 2024
February 4th, 2024
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